Tag Archives: trombone

With the devil

On Saturday at 20:00 swedish national TV, SVT2, broadcasts a show with Gävle Symphony Orchestra.
National fiddler Görgen Antonson together with Gävle Symphony Orchestra offers a show with folk music.
It is filmed in the old gasometer .
An acclaimed collaboration presented by Martin Emtenäs and under the musical direction of the recently deceased conductor Mats Rondin.

Totally worth watching!

Semestern slut

Nu är det gjort! Första övningspasset efter semestern. Ovanligt välbehövlig vila detta år. Kände mig väldigt sliten i början på semestern. Nu ska jag öva knappa två veckor på egen hand innan det är dags att återse gamla och träffa nya kollegor i orkestern.
Hoppas det kommer låta och framför allt kännas bättre då än det gjorde idag!20140724-172829-62909218.jpg

Mina ömma läppar efter första timmens övande.

Vacation over

Now it’s done! The first practice session after the holidays. A much needed rest this year. Felt very tired at the start of the holiday. Now I have the time practice about two weeks on my own before it’s time to revisit old and meet new colleagues in the orchestra.
Hope the sessions will help coming back in shape, and may it feel better then than it did today!

My sore lips after the first hour of playing my bone again.

Sorting and memories

During the holidays, my trombones so far been standing in their boxes/bags in a room here at home. I have not had any great desire to pick the pieces together into a complete trombone for practice. A bit desire to practice appeared however the other day.
I sorted a bunch of sheet music that was laying in a big plastic bin in the storage room. Mostly, it was sheet music from auditions and training material for symphony orchestral concerts. Everything from Mozart’s requiem to Henze’s Symphony No. 7. A lot of sheet music that created a lot of memories. As Ravel Daphne and Chloe. A piece I played during my time as a substitute in the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra under the guidance of their, at that time, chief conductor Mariss Jansons. Just me and another trombonist. The others sat and listened to the two of us for about 10 minutes. Those minutes felt like hours. Mariss Janons had, and perhaps still has, the idea of testing new musicians in his orchestra by letting they play alone. Apparently we managed test. We was allowed to go on the 3 weeks-long tour that followed. Of course  the whole orchestra played the piece on the concerts.
I also found sheet music of Haydn’s Creation. If you know the repertoire as a trombonist, you then know it’s a part (No. 26) of the piece, which almost always occurs on auditions for bass trombone. A well known ordeal. I unfortunately I must say I have played the Creation with a conductor that removed the bass trombone part from the beginning of that section. Apparently, you can do so as a conductor. Despite all the sorting I didn’t got that yearn for practicing. Hopefully it will be there when the holidays are over and the schedule says; work! Hope so!
